Privacy Policy

(I) INTRODUCTION owns the domain “” as well as this website, which it makes available to its users (hereinafter, the “Website”) to inform about the processing of personal data in relation to the services provided. This Privacy Policy is an integral part of the Website and will apply to the processing of the personal data of the users (also referred to as the “data subjects”) of our Website, including both the data provided directly by them and those that may be collected automatically or provided by third parties during the provision of any service and/or in the development of a contractual or pre-contractual relationship with us.

We care about your privacy and are committed to protecting your information. Our Privacy Policy describes how collects this data, complying with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons concerning the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (GDPR), Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, as well as in compliance with any other applicable regulations.

Access, use, and maintenance of our Website and its services involve the processing of personal information of its Users following the purposes contained and duly informed in this policy. Navigation or use of our Website, as well as its services and functionalities, implies full and unreserved acceptance by the User of what is contained in this Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions.

You should read our policy carefully to ensure that you fully understand it. We recommend frequently checking the Policy for updates or changes that it may contain. If you have any questions, you can contact us directly at the postal address and email address indicated in the section “Who is responsible for processing your data?”.

If you do not agree with our policies, we ask that you leave this Website and do not use this or any of our services.


COLIBID, S.L. (hereinafter, “”), with NIF B67873778, and registered office at Calle de Ribera 1-1, C.P: 46002 (Valencia), is the Data Controller of your personal data which will be processed according to the parameters set out in this policy. All comments, inquiries, and requests regarding our use of your information should be directed to the email address [email protected].


According to this Policy, we collect and process the information that the User provides to us or to which we have access during the navigation on our Website and when the user contacts to obtain information about our services and to schedule a business meeting. Below, you will find more details about the processing of such data, classified according to their purpose:

a. Website Functionality:

Purpose: To ensure the functionality and user navigation on our Website. 

Data processed: Traffic and navigation data. 

Method of collection: Through navigation on our Website. 

Legal basis: (1) Consent of the data subject for the processing of their personal data for one or more specific purposes; or (2) the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject. 

Retention period: Maximum of 18 months. 

Data communication: Your personal data will generally not be communicated. However, they may be communicated to our technical or IT service providers to ensure the purpose for which they were collected. 

International transfers: No data transfers to third countries are foreseen.

b. Resolution of inquiries and scheduling of meetings:

Purpose: To resolve inquiries and/or schedule meetings with users to inform them about our services, at their request. 

Data processed: Identification data (name and surname) and contact data (email) of the requesting data subject. 

Method of collection: Directly from the user when they complete the form on our Website or contact us through any means of contact. 

Legal basis: (1) Consent of the data subject for the processing of their personal data for one or more specific purposes; or (2) the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject. 

Retention period: The time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected (unless the user revokes consent, requests deletion, limits processing, requests portability, or objects to processing, except those that need to be retained for a longer period as required by law) and to comply with our legal obligations. 

Data communication: Your personal data will generally not be communicated. However, they may be communicated to our technical or IT service providers to ensure the purpose for which they were collected. 

International transfers: No data transfers to third countries are foreseen.

(IV) HOW DO WE PROTECT YOUR DATA? informs you that it has taken reasonable technical and organizational measures to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, or illegitimate disclosure of your data. Any third party, agent, or representative of, if applicable, who needs access to your information will also be required to introduce reasonable technical and organizational measures for the protection of your information.

Third-party links: If our Website contains links to third-party websites, if you decide to click on them, you will be redirected to the website of those third parties. Please note that these websites are governed by their own policies, so we recommend that you review their terms and conditions, privacy policy, and cookie policy before using such services. We cannot be responsible for the use and access to such third-party websites or the information or content made available by such third-party websites. The presence of third-party links on our website does not indicate that the company endorses or recommends such third parties. Access or use of these sites is solely at the user’s own risk.


As a data subject, the User has the right to exercise the following rights:

– Access to your data;

– Rectification of your data, as we also want to ensure that your information is accurate and up-to-date;

– Limitation of the processing of data concerning you;

– Opposition to the processing of your data when the legal basis for processing is our legitimate interest;

– Withdrawal of your consent for data processing (when the legal basis was that);

– Portability of your data, when the legal basis for data processing was your consent or the execution of a contract; and

– Not to be subject to automated individual decisions.

To exercise the mentioned rights, the affected parties should contact through the postal address or email indicated at the beginning of this Policy.

For security reasons, we may additionally ask you for a copy of your ID, electronic signature, or a scanned copy of your ID, according to the minimum legal content established. We will process your request as soon as possible, always within the margins and deadlines stipulated by the GDPR and the current legislation applicable at the time of such request.

In addition, the User has the right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) if they have doubts or are not satisfied with the exercise of their rights by writing to the postal address C/Jorge Juan nº 6, C.P: 28001 (Madrid), with telephone number (+34) 912 663 517 or through their electronic headquarters.


From Documents to Data. Instantly. Automatically.

1st Address: 166 Geary Str STE 1500, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States of America

2nd Address: Carrer de Daniel Balaciart, 4, Oficina 9, Benimaclet, 46020 Valencia, Spain

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